Please see our FAQ page for frequently asked questions regarding Springer, formatting and other issues. If you have any other questions, please contact Kitty Wong (
Camera-ready material must be submitted by Friday, July 9, 2021. As described below, all the files must be uploaded to the submission site as a single zipped file of 350 MB or less (CMT system limit).
Please submit your file via the "submit camera-ready file" link in your CMT user dashboard on The link will be made available to you on or before June 21st.
The proceedings will be published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) in both electronic and paper versions by Springer. Please read carefully the information for authors from Springer. You must use the LNCS templates (LaTeX2e or Word) available on the Springer website to prepare your paper. The templates are also available in Overleaf.
To accommodate changes requested by the reviewers while also still accommodating additional content that Springer will add to your paper to link to your supplementary material (potentially putting your paper over the original 10-page limit), we will allow your paper to expand to 8½ pages (including figures and tables) + 2 pages for references, leaving room for additional Springer content/formatting on the bottom half of page 11. Note that since Springer will re-set your paper with the formatting rules we specified, it is still extremely important that you strictly adhere to the guidelines (i.e., no spaces, no modified margins, no vertical spacing adjustments, no font adjustments, etc.). The program chairs reserve the right to reject papers that are over the 10½ -page limit in the final version, or to reject those that have modified formatting commands in the Springer templates.
All figures are printed in black and white. Colored figures remain in color in the online version. Please make sure that any colored figures are comprehensible in black and white. Springer does not support color in text, tables or in equations.
Please ensure that Springer format for bibliographical references is strictly enforced. This is important, for instance, when citing previous MICCAI proceedings.
Please make sure that if the same author appears on multiple papers their name appears in the same form on all papers, and is consistent with the form used in the author list you submitted to CMT when you registered your paper. Please make sure the order of the authors on your paper is the same as is entered into CMT.
If you use LaTeX, please insert a line % index{Last Name, First Name} for every author of the paper, right after the author{} command. We will use these to create an author index in the proceedings. We need your help to make sure we parse authors' names into the last name and the first name correctly. This is particularly important for those authors with more than two words in their full names, making such parsing ambiguous.
The submission site will ask you to upload a single .zip file of your submission. Please zip all your files, including the digital copy of the signed copyright form, and name the .zip file using your paper submission ID (for example:, where 1246 is your paper ID number).
You may include Electronic Supplementary Material that will be linked to and accessible with your paper. This could be e.g. additional results, tables, figures, movies, code, and appendices containing for instance containing extended proofs, mathematical derivations, or implementation details that are not essential to the understanding of the submitted paper.
Springer offers authors the option of including embedded videos in their papers. The technical requirements are as follows: Aspect ratio of 16:9 or 4:3, a maximum file size of 25 GB, and a minimum duration of 1 second. The following formats are supported: avi, wmv, mp4, mov, m2p, mp2, mpg, mpeg, flv, mxf, mts, m4v, and 3gp. Authors must not violate privacy and confidentiality rules and, as always, permission must be sought for use of third-party content.
All types of Electronic Supplementary Material, including videos, should be sent within the authors' .zip file. If videos are to be embedded, unequivocal instructions as to their positioning must be included, i.e. to which image or text segment it is to be linked. Please see Section 4.4 "Embedded Videos in Proceedings and Electronic Supplementary Material” in "Instructions for Proceedings Authors” for detailed instructions. See also the examples on how to include supplementary material and videos from the instructions on the Springer Website. These materials must be included within a single .zip file along with your paper submission material as above.
Once a paper has been delivered to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the paper cannot be made. Authors' names cannot be added or deleted, their order cannot be changed, and the corresponding author cannot be altered.