We are delighted to announce the first RISE MICCAI networking event held in conjunction with MICCAI 2021 on September 29, 19:00 - 20:00 UTC.
Researchers of under-represented origins (Latin America, South/South-east Asian, Africa, and Middle-East) who work in the field of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Interventions (MICCAI) are barely represented in the community. For instance, the submission rate from those countries neared 4% in MICCAI 2020, where only 6 countries out of 103 had accepted papers in MICCAI 2020 less than a 2% contribution to the accepted paper pool.
The main objectives of RISE-MICCAI are to:
This application is NOT restricted to researchers in low-middle-income countries. We encourage and value diversity and inclusiveness in the MICCAI community. The RISE network welcomes new members, regardless of age, gender, identity, race, and ethnicity.
We never rise alone, we always rise together!